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Complete the form to become a Take 5 Partner

1. By completing this form, your organization agrees to support and promote the Take 5 to Save Lives Campaign using the provided promotional toolkit found on the "Promote Take 5" page of the website OR by using custom materials that follow the guidelines found on the "Customize Take 5" page. 

2. Partners will receive a welcome email with a link to the toolkit where partners can access the promotional materials. The Take 5 Toolkit includes campaign promotional materials that can then easily be uploaded or shared to your organization's website or social media. 

3. By signing up to partner with Take 5 you agree to receive emails from the Take 5 Campaign. Your email address will never be shared with any entity outside of the Take 5 campaign for any reason.  

Thank you for taking the time to support the Take 5 to Save Lives campaign and for your commitment to preventing suicide! 

Thanks for becoming a Take 5 Partner!

Formulario de nuevo socio


Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita apoyo emocional o ayuda:

La línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio

Llama al 988

Línea de texto de crisis

Envía "GUARDAR" al 741-741

© Consejo Nacional para la Prevención del Suicidio 

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